Senin, 16 November 2009


Minasan, ohisashiburi!!
it's been really a long time I'm not writing in this blog.
it had been for about 5 month! Many things had happened just like Ramadhan, Holiday, my new hobbies, Sumbar earthquake, etc. Actually, I'm not really unproductive during these 5 month cos I'd writen about 7 to 8 article due to some different projects. The problem I wasn't writing them here was not only because of my business, but also my laziness (Oh, I have to leave that habit!!).
Yosha!! I've decided I'll continue this blog and write another good stuff...!!
Just wait for my post,na minna!

4 komentar:

  1. yuk ikut blog contest, khusus bwt mhs FK unand, sms-in alamat blog ke Yuliza(06) 081366272515, latest on friday(20th nov), 14.00 wib

  2. Sip,makasi infonya ukhti..!!^_^
    Jadi,blog contestx se-fk unand?kalo mo liat info lengkapx d mana ce?

  3. good idea kak CA...
    yg trakhir kayaknya menarik..

    ditunggu artikel2nya .......

    jgn pernah berhenti berkarya!!!

    ok sis!!!!



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