Minggu, 22 November 2009


Minasan, it’s about language I use in this blog. Perhaps some of you were confused why sometime I used English and the other time I used Bahasa Indonesia. Truth is, me myself was also confused, what language I should use?

Actually I have certain reasons.

A Love Letter to Rasul

This is a love letter I made at RADIUS 2009. Actually it’s quite embarrassed to write it here. But after I think it back, it’ll be more useful if I post it. Hopefully...

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

Dear Rasulullah saw…

Memotong Antrian, Masihkah?

”Saya sedang berdiri, berbaris rapi di antara antrian panjang teratur di sebuah mini market di Kota Padang. Ketika tiba di dekat meja kasir, tiba-tiba seorang Ibu berjalan dengan santai tanpa rasa bersalah dan menyerobot antrian tersebut.”

Senin, 16 November 2009


Minasan, ohisashiburi!!
it's been really a long time I'm not writing in this blog.
it had been for about 5 month! Many things had happened just like Ramadhan, Holiday, my new hobbies, Sumbar earthquake, etc. Actually, I'm not really unproductive during these 5 month cos I'd writen about 7 to 8 article due to some different projects. The problem I wasn't writing them here was not only because of my business, but also my laziness (Oh, I have to leave that habit!!).
Yosha!! I've decided I'll continue this blog and write another good stuff...!!
Just wait for my post,na minna!

Entri yang Diunggulkan

Saling mengingatkan pada kebaikan

“Kamu adalah umat yang terbaik yang dilahirkan untuk manusia, menyuruh kepada yang ma’ruf, dan mencegah dari yang munkar, dan beriman ...